{"title":"Arranges the selected SVG elements","description":"The Arrange panel shows the actions for arranging the selected SVG elements.","keywords":"svg,arrange,panel,selection.elements,bring,front,send,back"}

How to arrange SVG elements

The "Arrange" panel shows the actions for arranging the selected SVG elements.
- "Bring to front": brings the selected SVG elements in front of all others. The keyboard shortcut is: CTRL / CMD + F
- "Send to back": brings the selected SVG elements behind all the others. The keyboard shortcut is: CTRL / CMD + B
- "Bring up" Raises the selected SVG elements by one level. The keyboard shortcut is: CTRL / CMD + ALT + F
- "Send" Brings the selected SVG elements down one level. The keyboard shortcut is: CTRL / CMD + ALT + B
Arrange panel